Where to find an Anglican/Episcopal Service

St. Boniface
Evangelisch-lutherische Auferstehungskirche,
Garmischer Str. 2a,
86163 Augsburg (Hochzoll)
St Thomas Becket
Zeughausmarkt 22,
20459 Hamburg
Berlin – Charlottenburg
St George’s
St George’s Church,
Preussenallee 17-19,
14052 Berlin

The English Church Heidelberg
Erlöserkirche (Church of the Redeemer)
Plöck 44
69117 Heidelberg
St George’s
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 8,
10178 Berlin

St Columban’s Mission Karlsruhe
Old-Catholic Church Karlsruhe
Röntgenstraße 1,
76133 Karlsruhe
The Cologne-Bonn Anglican Chaplaincy
St Paulus, Siegburger Str. 75,
53229 Bonn-Beuel
Church of the Ascension
Seybothstraße 4
81545, Munich
The Cologne-Bonn Anglican Chaplaincy
All Saints
corner of Bonnerstr. and Lindenallee,
50968 Cologne
St James the Less
Jakobsplatz 1,
90402 Nuremberg
St Michael’s Church
Augustinerstraße 10,
99084 Erfurt
St Catherine’s
Katharinenplatz 5
70182 Stuttgart
Christ the King
Sebastian-Rinz-Str. 22,
60323 Frankfurt
St Michael’s Church
William-Shakespeare-Straße 13,
99423 Weimar
Freiburg Anglican Church
Petruskirche, Loretto Str. 61,
79100 Freiburg
St Augustine of Canterbury
Frankfurter Straße 3
65189 Wiesbaden

What is the Anglican Communion?

Anglicans (in some jurisidictions also known as Episcopalians) consider themselves to stand both in a Reformed church tradition and in a Catholic church tradition: Reformed insofar as many of the principles of the Reformation have influenced Anglican faith and practice and insofar as it does not accept Papal authority; Catholic in that we view ourselves as the unbroken continuation of the early apostolic and later medieval “universal church” rather than as a new formation. In our practices, furthermore, Anglicans remain closer to Roman Catholicism than most Protestant Churches. We hold to the historic creeds, our liturgical form of worship can feature tradition and ceremony, and our organization retains the apostolic succession through the historic episcopate and the threefold ordained ministry of bishops, priests and deacons

Was ist die Anglikanische Kirchengemeinschaft?

Die anglikanische Kirchengemeinschaft (“Anglican Communion”) ist eine weltweite Gemeinschaft, die sich aus einunddreißig selbstverwalteten Einzelkirchen zusammensetzt. Diese Kirchen – in 164 Ländern mit rund 500 Diözesen – stehen miteinander in ständiger Verbindung; Brennpunkt ihrer Zusammengehörigkeit ist der Erzbischof von Canterbury. Mit über siebzig Millionen Angehörigen bilden sie nach der römisch-katholischen und den orthodoxen Kirchen die drittgrößte christliche Glaubensgemeinschaft. Die Bezeichnung “anglican”/anglikanisch ist vom lateinischen “anglicanus” = englisch abgeleitet.

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What is Anglicanism?

Anglicans and Episcopalians

An Anglican is a member of an Anglican Church, or more properly a member church of the Anglican Communion. The word “Anglican” derives from the word “Anglo” as in “Anglo-Saxon” and means “English.” The Anglican Church began in England, but soon included other autonomous churches in the British Isles (Church of Ireland, Scottish Episcopal Church) and later around the world. Today, many centuries later, The Anglican Communion is made up of 40 provinces and, from March 2019, five extra-provincial areas that include  tens of millions of members in more than 165 countries around the globe. It is the third largest Christian church, right after Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox. “Anglicanism” means the beliefs and practices of the churches of the Anglican Communion.

Although considered Protestant by many, the Anglican Communion identifies itself with the catholic faiths. In fact, many refer to the Anglican faith as being reformed Catholicism, while others call it Biblican Catholicism. But, whatever the definition, Anglicanism is a hybrid between the Catholic and Protestant faiths.

In the summer of 2006 the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams identified three things that, when held together, make Anglicanism distinct from other Christian denominations and contribute to the essential character of our church. Other denominations share one or two of these qualities. What makes Anglicanism unique is the balanced presence of all three.

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