Developing Christian Ministry Weekend rescheduled for September 2024
The Developing Christian Ministry Weekend on “Leading Worship in the Anglican Tradition as a Lay Person” that was cancelled last year due to the train strikes has been rescheduled to Friday 27 – Saturday 28 September 2024 at the Church of Christ-the-King in Frankfurt, Sebastian-Rinz-Str. 22, 60323 Frankfurt am Main
The Anglican tradition offers many opportunities for lay people to lead worship.
In this workshop you will learn more about Anglican liturgy and the use of the Prayer Book, how to put the right service with its readings and prayers together, about different worship patterns and even the use of one of the very helpful apps, e.g., Venite or electronic Common Prayer, to put together the liturgies used in our different services.
You will learn how to speak as a reader/worship leader so that you can be easily understood. You will learn the meaning of some of the ritual and manual acts, the movements and gestures used in the service, as well as when, how and why we use them.
Last but not least, we will prepare a morning prayer and an evening liturgy to be used over the weekend.
Cost: you book your own hotel and pay for your own travel. Coffee, tea and lunch will be provided in our church, and evening meals organised. There will be a minimal fee to cover costs. Please contact monica.mueller-roemer AT gmx DOT net if interested.